Thursday, February 16, 2012

plowing the fields of books

did a little in my craft room today. thought i would try to move my book case in the place i want to put it so i had to move the books off. before i put them back i'm going to do the sort and purge. i'm going to try to get another bookcase to go beside the other one. getting rid of my books will be hard but it must be done because they are taking up realestate that i need and can't afford not to have.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

file in line

well i sorted and filed all those papers that i had pulled out. alot of them i threw away. my room is really looking alot better. I'm now cleaning off my desk and the shelf underneath it. then to my books. I'll move the bookcase and desk to a better (i hope) place.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

boxing and moving

really been trying to upload some new pictures but don't seem to get them to load up. so I'll tell you what I've don't to my room last night. i had a old plastic shelf that i got from work, it was free so what can i say. boxed everything that was on it and moved it to the other room just to get it out of the way. i then moved the TV and table that it sat on to the corner. i had some drawers that my scrap booking papers and i put them on the bottom shelf under the TV. i was looking for some tax papers today so i had to bring the boxes that had papers in back into my room so i think before i do anything else I'll go though them sort file and throw away them.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

a few off days

haven't done much in the last few days my husband has been in the hospital. goinh to get back in there soon. i don't like not completing something.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

feeling dumb

still down have a link up to yet. really wanted to do the 29 day challenge at it so out of my commfort zone. to let people i don.t know see just how messy i can be not to mention lazy. lol

Friday, February 3, 2012

need to box

Spent some time in my craftroom tonight picking up some more stuff and moving it to my sort and purge room. i keep imaging what my room will look like when its all done. i'm going to bring some more boxes home to box up books and other stuff to be able to get it out of the room. tomorrow i think i start sorting and purging. i have just about ran out of space in the other room.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

beginning my craftroom 29 day challenge

well spent about a hour in my room picking up all the crap on the floor. there was alot of papers where i just put in there then put it on the floor when i need the surface where i had    layed them.  put them in another room so i can go through them. moved afew larger items in my other room, also. doing a little at a time i think will help and can't wait to have a nice organized room where i can find things i need.

hard times in posting

hey everybody i,m having a hard time posting my blog on but i thought i go ahead and start my on challenge of uncluttering one room or space in your house. as you can see my is my craft/everything else room. didn't do anything last night because i had a headache when i got home from work. (busy day) i'm off to day and cleaning so i'm going to spend about 30 minutes in there. the first thing is to get stuff out of the room so i'm boxing up the paper and clutter on the floor. i'll post a new picture in a few days.